Syncing Version Number Between Word 2007 and MOSS 2007

Ik had een SharePoint vraag waar ik gek van werd. Ik probeerde een link te maken tussen het versienummer in SharePoint en het versienummer in Microsoft Word 2007. Zodat ik het versienummer van  SharePoint kan weergeven in Word. Het tonen van de Titel en andere SharePoint kolommen was eenvoudig, maar het tonen van het versie nummer leek maar niet te lukken. Totdat ik het artikel van  Jthomson  las.


Hij legt het volgende uit:

  1. Create a document library and enable versioning (Either major or minor) and content types.
  2. Add any new metadata fields to the library as required.
  3. Add your content types.
  4. Go into document library settings and select the first of your content types.
  5. Select Information management policies settings from the content type menu.
  6. Select define a policy and click ok.
  7. Click on the ‘Enable Label’ Check box
  8. DO NOT Check the other two boxes in the Labels section.
  9. In the Lable Format field, enter the metadata fields in the following format…



    Reference : {Reference} \n Version : {Version} \n Classification : {Classification} \n Custodian : {Custodian} 
    Gebruik eventueel de nederlandse benaming van de velden

  10. 10. Set the label appearence and click on preview.
  11. Click ok at the bottom of the page.



    The next steps relate to Word 2007….

  12. Go back to the library and create a new document using the content type you have modifed. The document should open in word
  13. IMPORTANT : Save the file as a Word 2007 format now.
  14. Select the insert tab
  15. Select Quick Parts from the Ribbon menu and hover over document property
  16. Select Label from the properties list
  17. This should display the metadata defined in your label as a field in your word document. The field will update automatically when you next open the document.
  18. Don’t forget to save!




Bedankt Jthomson. Bron: