Dit artikel beschrijft hoe je meerdere Remote Desktop sessies kunt openen/toestaan voor het zelfde gebruikersaccount. Standaard is dit in Windows Server 2008 (R2) beperkt tot één Remote Desktop sessie voor deze gebruiker.
Click Start > Administrative Tools > Terminal Services > Terminal Services Configuration.
of wanneer je de 2008 R2 versie gebruikt:
Click Start > Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Sessiont Host Configuration.
Right Click on “Restrict each user to a single session” in the “Edit settings” section and choose “Properties“.
Uncheck the “Restrict each user to a single session” checkbox and Click OK.
Click OK for the window that opens.
You will need to log off and log back on for the changes to take effect.
You will now be able to connect to multiple Remote Desktop Sessions on the same user account.